Your Mind is Your Guardian Angel.

Listen to it.

Your mind knows all.

It’s that still small voice in your head.

Because your mind is the link between you and your soul.

Your mind is your soul guiding you.

Not your physical brain.

Your mind.

It can’t be measured, weighed, seen, evaluated or removed.

It’s what leaves us at the time our physical body gives up the ghost and ceases to be a living creature.

It’s our mind that our body “gives up”.

It’s the secret of eternal life.

Of reincarnation.

Of eternal youth.

So listen to your mind.

Follow its guidance.

It’s your guardian.

Don’t believe me?

Start listening and testing its advice and you’ll become hooked.

You don’t need to change anything or do anything or spend anything.

Just be still and listen.

Love and peace.


Neil the Smith
My Author Page

PS. Over a thousand years ago, in medieval Britain, the Smiths were the craftsman, the metal smiths, the blacksmiths, who created the basis of society. Today I’m the creator Smith who, as a wordsmith, creates the society (again). With words, not the sword.

What Happens When You Die?

A long time ago, far far away, I had a chance meeting with a Wise Woman.

She became a good friend.

Until she died of cancer a few years later.

She was the Librarian at the Melbourne Theosophical Society.

Their Headquarters is in Adyar, India.

With a motto of ‘There is no religion higher than truth’ they encourage the study of all religions.

I was in.

I threw myself into my own study of all spiritual philosophies.

Including what happens when we die.

Today I feel that our soul survives this lifetime.

And is reborn.

Lately I’ve been thinking:

Do I really want to leave this beautiful world?

With all its problems?

What if my next life is on an alien planet with no trees or birds or the smell of cut grass?

What if it’s all black-and-white without colour?

Or what if it’s a world of thought without physical form?

This is not such a bad place to live if only we could clean up the mess.

The poverty.

The destruction.

So let’s do it.

All of us who care.

You and me.

We already live in a world of thought.

Our thoughts need physical bodies to work though.

How can we clean up our beautiful planet alone?

Others are trying.

But how can we do it alone.

I know the answer:

With our thoughts.

Trouble is, isn’t it our thoughts that have created and maintained today’s messed up world.

From the pollution to the violence.

Physically others are doing all they can.

Then there’s our thoughts.

It’s your thoughts, together with mine and others, that could do the trick.

With our thought we can be there, everywhere, in a thought.

We can avoid the cruel television dramas.

The violent movies.

The computer war games.

The selective brain washing evening news.

We can replace that with our thoughts of the world we want, not the world that amuses us.

“With our thoughts we make the world,” the Buddha said.

Is it our only hope to create the world we want.

Think big but let’s think change.

Think about it.

Love and peace.


PS. Recommended – ‘Our Thoughts Can Change The World’ (104 pages) and The Great Regency Cover-Up’ (236 pages).

I’ve written the secrets of life for you in this small 104 page book

Change your life and change the world.

We can do it ourselves.


We can support the environment that supports us, respect the land we live on and use it for good, have reverence for Nature including other human beings and figure out who we are and why we’re here.

Is the answer hidden in my life experiences and my search for Truth?

I was involved in many life-affirming nature-conscious ethical issues that would change our future.

What if my chance experiences are a snapshot to making this a better world?

On the cover of this book is where I live today, a quiet fishing village and holiday resort across the bay from Melbourne called Portarlington, .

Every year the town is host to Australia’s Celtic Festival and Mussel Festival.

I’ve learned much over an eventful lifetime, some of which I wish to share with you now.

I’ve had many adventures, physical, mental, metaphysical, travelling, the joy of having two beautiful daughters and three adorable granddaughters, the struggle after bankruptcy, surviving the blow of a spinal stenosis followed by the devastation of a stroke, finding a new life with my mind intact. In my travels.

I’ve met, lived with and mixed with psychics, channels and healers around the world.

I’ve studied all spiritual philosophies from mainstream religions to the Aboriginal Dreaming.

Now I wish to share with you some important philosophical and metaphysical ideas I’ve developed over a lifetime.

Who are we?

Why are we here?

What secrets does our soul have to tell us?

How are we to survive?

How are we to live?

Order your copy of my precious 104 page info filled book that reveals life’s true down-to-earth mysteries HERE.

Love and Peace.


Trust The Universe, Change The World

Do you get it, understanding the ways of the Universe, I mean?

Until now our idea of the Universe in which we live has been mainly a physical one.

What we see is what we get.

It’s the visible universe that we tend to think of as our universe.

But what if there is another reality of our Universe and that is largely ignored.

Overlooked because we can’t see it or see pictures of it.

An invisible Universe.

A Universe that impacts us all, you and me, even though we can’t see it.

Which is all the more important to us and our lives because, instead of being ‘out there’, rather it’s more like ‘in here’.

Inside us and impacting our real everyday lives.

Like Pinocchio’s Conscience Jiminy Cricket.

Maybe it’s Newton’s Third Law of Motion.

For every action in one direction there’s an equal and opposite reaction.

The Law we know as the Law of Gravity.

Or a broader, less physical Law of Attraction.

Certainly in Quantum Mechanics.

Our reality is only what we see.

And what influences our reality.

But these are only the tip of the iceberg.

But hey, maybe the iceberg metaphor is another one.

What if the iceberg we see is only ten percent of the whole Universe?

Think about it.

What if these are invisible Laws of the Universe that, in their non-physical sense, we really don’t understand.

Or use to our advantage in our everyday lives.

That alone could massively change our world.

Love and Peace.


PS. Read my non-fiction book ‘Romancing Your Life & Changing The World’ HERE.